Friday, November 13, 2009

The Legend Of Ron Mexico

Since I will not be able to visit any clubs this weekend I'll start you with a story from the Ron Mexico files.....

Before coming to Tampa I had been to a bunch of clubs and had fun drinking and looking at the girls, then I came to Tampa and had the distinct pleasure of going to clubs with Ron Mexico. Gentleman's Clubs, Strip Clubs, Bikini Bars whatever you want to call them will never be the same again...

It was Thanksgiving one year and Ron Mexico was supposed to head home for the weekend but something happened with his standby flight and he ended up flying all over the east coast for 16 hours and ending up back at Tampa International Airport. With all his friends out of town for the holiday he was left with nothing to do but go to Odyssey 2001 and take rides in the space ship.

Back in town the following weekend Ron Mexico regaled me with stories of how much fun he had going to 2001 over Thanksgiving, beautiful women.... beautiful women.... and more beautiful women. Clearly this could mean only one thing, we had to go so I could enjoy the much heralded Odyssey 2001! So after a night filled with partying at several bars in Tampa we made our way to the club where the bouncer greeted us with a knowing smile toward Ron Mexico and then checked my I.D. After paying our cover the greeter told him how nice it was to see him again.... "Ron Mexico great to see you again wait here" then there was an announcement for one of the dancers, we will call her "candy" (can't remember her real stage name), to come to the front. "O.K. Ron you ready to go to the spaceship with Candy"

It was at that moment that I realized everything Ron Mexico had told me not only about that night but all his other nights was probably true. He didn't go to the spaceship that night and Candy certainly was disappointed her billfold would be $200 lighter after all, but it was clear he not only had been up there but also knew every dancer in that club as they strolled by calling him by name. I wasn't sure which impressed me more, that these girls could all remember his name or that he remembered all their names.

2001 Was fun, but that would only be a prelude of what was to come.... Adventures with Ron Mexico would soon become a regular occurrence where truth was stranger than fiction.

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